Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What are the different types of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries in Michigan, it allows one to reduce or increase the size of their nose, change the shape of the tip or back, narrow the nostrils or change the angle between the nose and the upper lip. This surgery is used when there is a disproportion between the shape of the nose and the rest of the face. In addition, congenital alterations of the nasal structure and respiratory problems can also be corrected using rhinoplasty or septoplasty.

Based on the type of technique used in surgery, rhinoplasty can be classified as open or closed. Initially, the choice of technique is based on the preferences of the surgeon and the goals of the surgery. Obviously, all Rhinoplasties and Rhinoseptoplasties in Michigan can be performed open or closed but the idea is to select the technique according to the difficulty or degree of correction that is needed in each particular case.

Closed rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasties and Rhinoseptoplasties of little difficulty, with the absence of large asymmetries, that require few modifications or that do not present large deviations are usually carried out using the closed technique.

Rhinoplasty is mainly based on “sculpting” the framework of bone and cartilage that is found under the skin and muscles of the nose. This process of sculpturing is used to reduce the size of bones or cartilages, to modify their form or to increase according to the patient’s goals.

Closed rhinoplasties are performed through incisions that are inside the nose and, therefore, do not leave visible scars. From these incisions, the cartilage and/or bones are carved until the desired shape is achieved. The changes produced in the back (like the elimination of a hump) and in the nasal tip (like the refinement or the elevation of the nasal bridge), will aim to complement the contours of the nose at the same time as the facial harmony. The skin that covers the cartilage and nasal bones will adapt to the changes made in them, producing the final effect.

All incisions are closed with resorbable points that do not need to be removed. Once the operation is finished, a layer of adhesive is placed on the back of the nose and some plugs are placed inside the nostrils. If the back has not been treated with osteotomies, the placement of the plaster will not be necessary. People prefer closed rhinoplasties as they leave less scarring than any type of nose job in Michigan, except for the non-surgical nose job. For this reason, most surgeons will use this technique whenever possible.

Closed rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty

When the complexity of the surgery requires the strategic placement of cartilage and fat grafts, there is a significant nasal deviation, notorious asymmetries, or a combination these along with respiratory problems, the most advisable is to perform an open rhinoplasty since the visual field of the surgeon is greater and allows for more manipulation of the nasal anatomy. In addition to the incisions made in the closed technique, in the open technique, these are complemented by a small incision that connects the previous ones in front of the columella (the anterior and caudal portion of the nasal septum, which separates the entrance of the nose in two parallel nasal vestibules). In this way, it is possible to lift the entire skin and nasal musculature and separate it from the frame, opening your nose, hence the name.

Moreover, during an open rhinoplasty in Michigan, it is easier to be precise when conditioning the structures, align them or make delicate adjustments in the functional section. It is also easier to place grafts and make them invisible.

The stitches are removed around five or seven days and the resulting scar becomes practically invisible in a few months. It is often commented that the postoperative period of an open Rhinoplasty is usually slower or worse than that of the closed one. This should not be considered true. remember that the dissection of both techniques is practically identical except for the presence of the columella incision. Many experts comment that both techniques have very similar recovery times and, in fact, the percentage of open rhinoplasties has grown with respect to closed ones due to the best results, particularly in secondary or difficult cases.

How Rhinoseptoplasty is performed

The surgery performed on the nasal septum is usually known as septoplasty. When it is in turn attached to a Rhinoplasty, it is usually referred to as Rhinoseptoplasty. The purpose of a Rhinoseptoplasty is usually to improve aesthetics and functionality simultaneously, while a septoplasty is performed to repair a deviated septum. Although not a cosmetic procedure, septoplasty is still performed best by a cosmetic surgeon in Michigan.

It can also be done by means of a closed technique or an open technique. The incisions that are used to approach the septum are the same as for the rest of the Rhinoplasties discussed. When the patient reports obstructive symptoms, the doctor performs an endoscopic examination and x-rays or scan to assess the extent of the problem.

Septoplasty surgery performed for functional reasons usually includes straightening (if possible) or removal of nasal septum segments that are bent and cause obstruction. In parallel, the nasal deviations that are caused by deviation in the septum of the nose are also corrected. Usually, when there is a problem with the nasal septum, one or both inferior turbinates are also altered. The treatment of the turbinates is usually performed by electrocoagulation or partial resection and may be performed during septoplasty.

In some patients, the septum does not present deviations and there is no respiratory difficulty. However, a septoplasty may also be necessary to obtain the cartilage necessary to give shape and/or supplementary support to the nose.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article on the different types of rhinoplasty. Make sure to check out our nose reshaping blog for more cool articles like this one!

The post What are the different types of rhinoplasty? appeared first on SurgeonGate.

source https://umassmedicalschool.com/2019/03/12/what-are-the-different-types-of-rhinoplasty/

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